The paper is also a refreshing departure from Transformers, taking a
very different approach to an important problem-space. However, several
of our colleagues have also noted privately the difficulty of gaining
intuition for the model. This blog post is a first step towards this
goal of gaining intuition, linking concrete code implementations with
explanations from the S4 paper – very much in the style of the
annotated Transformer . Hopefully this combination of code and
literate explanations helps you follow the details of the model. By the
end of the blog you will have an efficient working version of S4 that
can operate as a CNN for training, but then convert to an efficient RNN
at test time. To preview the results, you will be able to generate
images from pixels and sounds directly from audio waves on a standard
Note that this project uses JAX with the Flax NN library. While we
personally mainly use Torch, the functional nature of JAX is a good fit
for some of the complexities of S4. We make heavy use of vmap ,
scan ,
their NN
cousins , and most importantly jax.jit
to compile fast and efficient S4 layers.
from functools import partial
import jax
import jax.numpy as np
from flax import linen as nn
from jax.nn.initializers import lecun_normal, normal
from jax.numpy.linalg import eigh, inv, matrix_power
from jax.scipy.signal import convolve
if __name__ == "__main__":
# For this tutorial, construct a global JAX rng key
# But we don't want it when importing as a library
rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(1)
Part 1: State Space Models
Let’s get started! Our goal is the efficient modeling of long
sequences. To do this, we are going to build a new neural network layer
based on State Space Models. By the end of this section we will be able
to build and run a model with this layer. However, we are going to need
some technical background. Let’s work our way through the background of
the paper.
The state
space model is defined by this simple equation. It maps a 1-D input
signal u(t) to an N -D latent state x(t) before projecting to a 1-D output signal
y(t) .
x'(t) &= \boldsymbol{A}x(t) + \boldsymbol{B}u(t) \\
y(t) &= \boldsymbol{C}x(t) + \boldsymbol{D}u(t)
Our goal is to simply use the SSM as a black-box representation
in a deep sequence model, where \boldsymbol{A}, \boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C},
\boldsymbol{D} are parameters learned by gradient descent. For
the remainder, we will omit the parameter \boldsymbol{D} for exposition (or
equivalently, assume \boldsymbol{D} = 0
because the term \boldsymbol{D}u can be
viewed as a skip connection and is easy to compute).
An SSM maps a input u(t) to a state
representation vector x(t) and an
output y(t) . For simplicity, we assume
the input and output are one-dimensional, and the state representation
is N -dimensional. The first equation
defines the change in x(t) over
Our SSMs will be defined by three matrices – \boldsymbol{A}, \boldsymbol{B},
\boldsymbol{C} – which we will learn. For now we begin with a
random SSM, to define sizes,
def random_SSM(rng, N):
a_r, b_r, c_r = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
A = jax.random.uniform(a_r, (N, N))
B = jax.random.uniform(b_r, (N, 1))
C = jax.random.uniform(c_r, (1, N))
return A, B, C
SSM: The Recurrent Representation
To be applied on a discrete input sequence (u_0, u_1, \dots ) instead of continuous
function u(t) , the SSM must be
discretized by a step size \Delta that represents the resolution of the
input. Conceptually, the inputs u_k can
be viewed as sampling an implicit underlying continuous signal u(t) , where u_k =
u(k \Delta) .
To discretize the continuous-time SSM, we use the bilinear
method , which converts the state matrix \boldsymbol{A} into an approximation \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} . The discrete SSM
\boldsymbol{\overline{A}} &= (\boldsymbol{I} - \Delta/2 \cdot
\boldsymbol{A})^{-1}(\boldsymbol{I} + \Delta/2 \cdot \boldsymbol{A}) \\
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} &= (\boldsymbol{I} - \Delta/2 \cdot
\boldsymbol{A})^{-1} \Delta \boldsymbol{B} \\
\boldsymbol{\overline{C}} &= \boldsymbol{C}\\
def discretize(A, B, C, step):
I = np.eye(A.shape[0])
BL = inv(I - (step / 2.0) * A)
Ab = BL @ (I + (step / 2.0) * A)
Bb = (BL * step) @ B
return Ab, Bb, C
This equation is now a sequence-to-sequence map u_k \mapsto y_k instead of
function-to-function. Moreover the state equation is now a recurrence in
x_k , allowing the discrete SSM to be
computed like an RNN. Concretely, x_k \in
\mathbb{R}^N can be viewed as a hidden state with
transition matrix \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} .
x_{k} &= \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} x_{k-1} +
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_k\\
y_k &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} x_k \\
As the paper says, this “step” function does look superficially like
that of an RNN. We can implement this with a scan
in JAX,
def scan_SSM(Ab, Bb, Cb, u, x0):
def step(x_k_1, u_k):
x_k = Ab @ x_k_1 + Bb @ u_k
y_k = Cb @ x_k
return x_k, y_k
return jax.lax.scan(step, x0, u)
Putting everything together, we can run the SSM by first
discretizing, then iterating step by step,
def run_SSM(A, B, C, u):
L = u.shape[0]
N = A.shape[0]
Ab, Bb, Cb = discretize(A, B, C, step=1.0 / L)
# Run recurrence
return scan_SSM(Ab, Bb, Cb, u[:, np.newaxis], np.zeros((N,)))[1]
Tangent: A Mechanics Example
To gain some more intuition and test our SSM implementation, we pause
from machine learning to implement a classic
example from mechanics .
In this example, we consider the forward position y(t) of a mass attached to a wall with a
spring. Over time, varying force u(t)
is applied to this mass. The system is parameterized by mass (m ), spring constant (k ), friction constant (b ). We can relate these with the following
differential equation:
my''(t) = u(t) - by'(t) - ky(t)
Rewriting this in matrix form yields an SSM in the following
\boldsymbol{A} &= \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -k/m & -b/m
\end{bmatrix} \\
\boldsymbol{B} & = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1/m \end{bmatrix} &
\boldsymbol{C} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \\
def example_mass(k, b, m):
A = np.array([[0, 1], [-k / m, -b / m]])
B = np.array([[0], [1.0 / m]])
C = np.array([[1.0, 0]])
return A, B, C
Looking at the \boldsymbol{C} , we
should be able to convince ourselves that the first dimension of the
hidden state is the position (since that becomes y(t) ). The second dimension is the velocity,
as it is impacted by u(t) through \boldsymbol{B} . The transition \boldsymbol{A} relates these terms.
We’ll set u to be a continuous
function of t ,
@partial(np.vectorize, signature="()->()")
def example_force(t):
x = np.sin(10 * t)
return x * (x > 0.5)
Let’s run this SSM through our code.
def example_ssm():
ssm = example_mass(k=40, b=5, m=1)
# L samples of u(t).
L = 100
step = 1.0 / L
ks = np.arange(L)
u = example_force(ks * step)
# Approximation of y(t).
y = run_SSM(*ssm, u)
# Plotting ---
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
from celluloid import Camera
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3)
camera = Camera(fig)
ax1.set_title("Force $u_k$")
ax2.set_title("Position $y_k$")
ax1.set_xticks([], [])
ax2.set_xticks([], [])
# Animate plot over time
for k in range(0, L, 2):
ax1.plot(ks[:k], u[:k], color="red")
ax2.plot(ks[:k], y[:k], color="blue")
[[y[k, 0] - 0.04, y[k, 0], y[k, 0] + 0.04]],
anim = camera.animate()"images/line.gif", dpi=150, writer="imagemagick")
if False:
Neat! And that it was just 1 SSM, with 2 hidden states over 100
steps. The final model will have had 100s of stacked
SSMs over thousands of steps . But first – we
need to make these models practical to train.
Training SSMs:
The Convolutional Representation
The punchline of this section is that we can turn the “RNN” above
into a “CNN” by unrolling. Let’s go through the derivation.
The recurrent SSM is not practical for training on modern hardware
due to its sequential nature. Instead, there is a well-known connection
between linear time-invariant (LTI) SSMs and continuous convolutions.
Correspondingly, the recurrent SSM can actually be written as a discrete
convolution .
For simplicity let the initial state be x_{-1} = 0 . Then unrolling explicitly
x_0 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 &
x_1 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 +
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 &
x_2 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^2 \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 +
\boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 +
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_2 & \dots
y_0 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 &
y_1 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 &
y_2 &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^2
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}
\boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 +
\boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_2
& \dots
This can be vectorized into a convolution with an explicit formula
for the convolution kernel.
y_k &= \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^k
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_0 + \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}
\boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^{k-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_1 + \dots +
\boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_{k-1} +
\boldsymbol{\overline{C}}\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} u_k
y &= \boldsymbol{\overline{K}} \ast u
\boldsymbol{\overline{K}} \in \mathbb{R}^L =
We call \boldsymbol{\overline{K}} the SSM
convolution kernel or filter.
Note that this is a giant filter. It is the size of the
entire sequence!
def K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
return np.array(
[(Cb @ matrix_power(Ab, l) @ Bb).reshape() for l in range(L)]
Warning: this implementation is naive and unstable. In practice it
will fail to work for more than very small lengths. However, we are
going to replace it with S4 in Part 2, so for now we just keep it around
as a placeholder.
We can compute the result of applying this filter either with a
standard direct convolution or by using convolution theorem with Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) . The discrete convolution theorem - for circular
convolution of two sequences - allows us to efficiently calculate the
output of convolution by first multiplying FFTs of the input sequences
and then applying an inverse FFT. To utilize this theorem for
non-circular convolutions as in our case, we need to pad the input
sequences with zeros, and then unpad the output sequence. As the length
gets longer this FFT method will be more efficient than the direct
def causal_convolution(u, K, nofft=False):
if nofft:
return convolve(u, K, mode="full")[: u.shape[0]]
assert K.shape[0] == u.shape[0]
ud = np.fft.rfft(np.pad(u, (0, K.shape[0])))
Kd = np.fft.rfft(np.pad(K, (0, u.shape[0])))
out = ud * Kd
return np.fft.irfft(out)[: u.shape[0]]
The CNN method and the RNN method yield (roughly) the same
def test_cnn_is_rnn(N=4, L=16, step=1.0 / 16):
ssm = random_SSM(rng, N)
u = jax.random.uniform(rng, (L,))
jax.random.split(rng, 3)
rec = run_SSM(*ssm, u)
ssmb = discretize(*ssm, step=step)
conv = causal_convolution(u, K_conv(*ssmb, L))
# Check
assert np.allclose(rec.ravel(), conv.ravel())
An SSM Neural Network.
We now have all of the machinery needed to build a basic SSM neural
network layer. As defined above, the discrete SSM defines a map from
\mathbb{R}^L \to \mathbb{R}^L , i.e. a
1-D sequence map. We assume that we are going to be learning the
parameters B and C , as well as a step size \Delta and a scalar D parameter. The HiPPO matrix is used for the
transition A . We learn the step size in
log space.
def log_step_initializer(dt_min=0.001, dt_max=0.1):
def init(key, shape):
return jax.random.uniform(key, shape) * (
np.log(dt_max) - np.log(dt_min)
) + np.log(dt_min)
return init
For the SSM layer most of the work is to build the filter. The actual
call to the network is just the (huge) convolution we specified
Note for Torch users: setup
in Flax is called each time
the parameters are updated. This is similar to the Torch
parameterizations .
As noted above this same layer can be used either as an RNN or a CNN.
The argument decode
determines which path is used. In the
case of RNN we cache the previous state at each call in a Flax variable
collection called cache
class SSMLayer(nn.Module):
N: int
l_max: int
decode: bool = False
def setup(self):
# SSM parameters
self.A = self.param("A", lecun_normal(), (self.N, self.N))
self.B = self.param("B", lecun_normal(), (self.N, 1))
self.C = self.param("C", lecun_normal(), (1, self.N))
self.D = self.param("D", nn.initializers.ones, (1,))
# Step parameter
self.log_step = self.param("log_step", log_step_initializer(), (1,))
step = np.exp(self.log_step)
self.ssm = discretize(self.A, self.B, self.C, step=step)
self.K = K_conv(*self.ssm, self.l_max)
# RNN cache for long sequences
self.x_k_1 = self.variable("cache", "cache_x_k", np.zeros, (self.N,))
def __call__(self, u):
if not self.decode:
# CNN Mode
return causal_convolution(u, self.K) + self.D * u
# RNN Mode
x_k, y_s = scan_SSM(*self.ssm, u[:, np.newaxis], self.x_k_1.value)
if self.is_mutable_collection("cache"):
self.x_k_1.value = x_k
return y_s.reshape(-1).real + self.D * u
Since our SSMs operate on scalars, we make H different, stacked copies (H different SSMs!) with different parameters.
Here we use the Flax
vmap method to easily define these copies,
def cloneLayer(layer):
return nn.vmap(
variable_axes={"params": 1, "cache": 1, "prime": 1},
split_rngs={"params": True},
SSMLayer = cloneLayer(SSMLayer)
This SSM Layer can then be put into a standard NN. Here we add a
block that pairs a call to an SSM with dropout and a linear
class SequenceBlock(nn.Module):
layer_cls: nn.Module
layer: dict # Hyperparameters of inner layer
dropout: float
d_model: int
prenorm: bool = True
glu: bool = True
training: bool = True
decode: bool = False
def setup(self):
self.seq = self.layer_cls(**self.layer, decode=self.decode)
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm()
self.out = nn.Dense(self.d_model)
if self.glu:
self.out2 = nn.Dense(self.d_model)
self.drop = nn.Dropout(
def __call__(self, x):
skip = x
if self.prenorm:
x = self.norm(x)
x = self.seq(x)
x = self.drop(nn.gelu(x))
if self.glu:
x = self.out(x) * jax.nn.sigmoid(self.out2(x))
x = self.out(x)
x = skip + self.drop(x)
if not self.prenorm:
x = self.norm(x)
return x
We can then stack a bunch of these blocks on top of each other to
produce a stack of SSM layers. This can be used for classification or
generation in the standard way as a Transformer.
class Embedding(nn.Embed):
num_embeddings: int
features: int
def __call__(self, x):
y = nn.Embed(self.num_embeddings, self.features)(x[..., 0])
return np.where(x > 0, y, 0.0)
class StackedModel(nn.Module):
layer_cls: nn.Module
layer: dict # Extra arguments to pass into layer constructor
d_output: int
d_model: int
n_layers: int
prenorm: bool = True
dropout: float = 0.0
embedding: bool = False # Use nn.Embed instead of nn.Dense encoder
classification: bool = False
training: bool = True
decode: bool = False # Probably should be moved into layer_args
def setup(self):
if self.embedding:
self.encoder = Embedding(self.d_output, self.d_model)
self.encoder = nn.Dense(self.d_model)
self.decoder = nn.Dense(self.d_output)
self.layers = [
for _ in range(self.n_layers)
def __call__(self, x):
if not self.classification:
if not self.embedding:
x = x / 255.0 # Normalize
if not self.decode:
x = np.pad(x[:-1], [(1, 0), (0, 0)])
x = self.encoder(x)
for layer in self.layers:
x = layer(x)
if self.classification:
x = np.mean(x, axis=0)
x = self.decoder(x)
return nn.log_softmax(x, axis=-1)
In Flax we add the batch dimension as a lifted transformation. We
need to route through several variable collections which handle RNN and
parameter caching (described below).
BatchStackedModel = nn.vmap(
variable_axes={"params": None, "dropout": None, "cache": 0, "prime": None},
split_rngs={"params": False, "dropout": True},
Overall, this defines a sequence-to-sequence map of shape (batch
size, sequence length, hidden dimension), exactly the signature exposed
by related sequence models such as Transformers, RNNs, and CNNs.
Full code for training is defined in .
While we now have our main model, there are two core problems
with SSMs . First, the randomly initialized SSM actually does not
perform very well. Furthermore, computing it naively like we’ve done so
far is really slow and memory inefficient. Next, we’ll complete our
discussion of the modeling aspect of S4 by defining a special
initialization for long-range dependencies, and then figure out how to
compute this SSM Layer faster – a lot faster
(Part 2 )!
Part 1b:
Addressing Long-Range Dependencies with HiPPO
Prior work found that
the basic SSM actually performs very poorly in practice. Intuitively,
one explanation is that they suffer from gradients scaling exponentially
in the sequence length (i.e., the vanishing/exploding gradients
problem). To address this problem, previous work developed the HiPPO
theory of continuous-time memorization.
HiPPO specifies a class of certain matrices \boldsymbol{A} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}
that when incorporated, allow the state x(t) to memorize the history of the input
u(t) . The most important matrix in this
class is defined by the HiPPO matrix.
(\text{\textbf{HiPPO Matrix}})
(2n+1)^{1/2}(2k+1)^{1/2} & \text{if } n > k \\
n+1 & \text{if } n = k \\
0 & \text{if } n < k
Previous work found that simply modifying an SSM from a random matrix
\boldsymbol{A} to HiPPO improved its
performance on the sequential MNIST classification benchmark from 60\% to 98\% .
This matrix is going to be really important, but it is a bit of
magic. For our purposes we mainly need to know that: 1) we only need to
calculate it once, and 2) it has a nice, simple structure (which we will
exploit in part 2). Without going into the ODE math, the main takeaway
is that this matrix aims to compress the past history into a state that
has enough information to approximately reconstruct the history.
def make_HiPPO(N):
P = np.sqrt(1 + 2 * np.arange(N))
A = P[:, np.newaxis] * P[np.newaxis, :]
A = np.tril(A) - np.diag(np.arange(N))
return -A
Diving a bit deeper, the intuitive explanation of this matrix is that
it produces a hidden state that memorizes its history. It does this by
keeping track of the coefficients of a Legendre
polynomial . These coefficients let it approximate all of the
previous history. Let us look at an example,
def example_legendre(N=8):
# Random hidden state as coefficients
import numpy as np
import numpy.polynomial.legendre
x = (np.random.rand(N) - 0.5) * 2
t = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
f = numpy.polynomial.legendre.Legendre(x)(t)
# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.gca(projection="3d")
np.linspace(-25, (N - 1) * 100 + 25, 100),
[0] * 100,
ax.plot(t, f, zs=N * 100, zdir="y", c="r")
for i in range(N):
coef = [0] * N
coef[N - i - 1] = 1
ax.set_zlim(-4, 4)
# Plot basis function.
f = numpy.polynomial.legendre.Legendre(coef)(t)
[100 * i],
label="x%d" % i,
ax.plot(t, f, zs=100 * i, zdir="y", c="b", alpha=0.5)
ax.view_init(elev=40.0, azim=-45)
if False:
The red line represents that curve we are approximating, while the
black bars represent the values of our hidden state. Each is a
coefficient for one element of the Legendre series shown as blue
functions. The intuition is that the HiPPO matrix updates these
coefficients each step.
Part 2: Implementing S4
Warning: this section has a lot of math. Roughly it boils down to
finding a way to compute the filter from Part 1 for “HiPPO-like”
matrices really fast . If you are interested, the details are
really neat. If not, skip to Part 3 for some cool applications like
MNIST completion.
Skip Button
To set the stage, recall that S4 has two main differences from a
basic SSM. The first addresses a modeling challenge -
long-range dependencies - by using a special formula for the \boldsymbol{A} matrix defined in the previous
part. These special SSMs were considered in predecessor works to S4.
The second main feature of S4 solves the computational
challenge of SSMs by introducing a special representation and
algorithm to be able to work with this matrix!
The fundamental bottleneck in computing the discrete-time SSM is that
it involves repeated matrix multiplication by \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} . For example,
computing naively involves L successive
multiplications by \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} , requiring O(N^2 L) operations and O(NL) space.
Specifically, recall this function here:
def K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
return np.array(
[(Cb @ matrix_power(Ab, l) @ Bb).reshape() for l in range(L)]
The contribution of S4 is a stable method for speeding up this
particular operation. To do this we are going to focus on the case where
the SSM has special structure: specifically, Diagonal Plus Low-Rank
(DPLR) in complex space.
A DPLR SSM is (\boldsymbol{\Lambda} -
\boldsymbol{P}\boldsymbol{Q}^*, \boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C})
for some diagonal \boldsymbol{\Lambda}
and matrices \boldsymbol{P}, \boldsymbol{Q},
\boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C} \in \mathbb{C}^{N \times 1} . We
assume without loss of generality that the rank is 1 , i.e. these matrices are vectors.
Under this DPLR assumption, S4 overcomes the speed bottleneck in
three steps
Instead of computing \boldsymbol{\overline{K}} directly, we
compute its spectrum by evaluating its truncated
generating function . This now involves a matrix
inverse instead of power .
We show that the diagonal matrix case is equivalent to the
computation of a Cauchy
kernel \frac{1}{\omega_j -
\zeta_k} .
We show the low-rank term can now be corrected by applying the
identity which reduces (\boldsymbol{\Lambda} +
\boldsymbol{P}\boldsymbol{Q}^*)^{-1} in terms of \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^{-1} , truly reducing to
the diagonal case.
Step 1. SSM Generating
The main step will be switching from computing the sequence to
computing its generating function. From the paper’s appendix:
To address the problem of computing powers of \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} , we introduce
another technique. Instead of computing the SSM convolution filter \boldsymbol{\overline{K}} directly, we
introduce a generating function on its coefficients and compute
evaluations of it.
The truncated SSM generating function at node z with truncation L is
\hat{\mathcal{K}}_L(z; \boldsymbol{\overline{A}},
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}}, \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}) \in \mathbb{C} :=
\sum_{i=0}^{L-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{C}} \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^i
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} z^i
def K_gen_simple(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
K = K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb, L)
def gen(z):
return np.sum(K * (z ** np.arange(L)))
return gen
The generating function essentially converts the SSM convolution
filter from the time domain to frequency domain. This transformation is
also called z-transform (up to
a minus sign) in control engineering literature. Importantly, it
preserves the same information, and the desired SSM convolution filter
can be recovered. Once the z-transform of a discrete sequence known, we
can obtain the filter’s discrete fourier transform from evaluations of
its z-transform
at the roots of unity \Omega = \{
\exp(2\pi \frac{k}{L} : k \in [L] \} . Then, we can apply inverse
fourier transformation, stably in O(L \log
L) operations by applying an FFT , to
recover the filter.
def conv_from_gen(gen, L):
# Evaluate at roots of unity
# Generating function is (-)z-transform, so we evaluate at (-)root
Omega_L = np.exp((-2j * np.pi) * (np.arange(L) / L))
atRoots = jax.vmap(gen)(Omega_L)
# Inverse FFT
out = np.fft.ifft(atRoots, L).reshape(L)
return out.real
More importantly, in the generating function we can replace the
matrix power with an inverse!
\hat{\mathcal{K}}_L(z) = \sum_{i=0}^{L-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{C}}
\boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^i \boldsymbol{\overline{B}} z^i =
\boldsymbol{\overline{C}} (\boldsymbol{I} - \boldsymbol{\overline{A}}^L
z^L) (\boldsymbol{I} - \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} z)^{-1}
\boldsymbol{\overline{B}} = \boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}} (\boldsymbol{I}
- \boldsymbol{\overline{A}} z)^{-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}}
And for all z \in \Omega_L , we have
z^L = 1 so that term is removed. We
then pull this constant term into a new \boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}} . Critically, this
function does not call K_conv
def K_gen_inverse(Ab, Bb, Cb, L):
I = np.eye(Ab.shape[0])
Ab_L = matrix_power(Ab, L)
Ct = Cb @ (I - Ab_L)
return lambda z: (Ct.conj() @ inv(I - Ab * z) @ Bb).reshape()
But it does output the same values,
def test_gen_inverse(L=16, N=4):
ssm = random_SSM(rng, N)
ssm = discretize(*ssm, 1.0 / L)
b = K_conv(*ssm, L=L)
a = conv_from_gen(K_gen_inverse(*ssm, L=L), L)
assert np.allclose(a, b)
In summary, Step 1 allows us to replace the matrix power with an
inverse by utilizing a truncated generating function. However this
inverse still needs to be calculated L
times (for each of the roots of unity).
Step 2: Diagonal Case
The next step to assume special structure on the matrix
\boldsymbol{A} to compute the inverse
faster than the naive inversion. To begin, let us first convert the
equation above to use the original SSM matrices. With some algebra you
can expand the discretization and show:
\boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}}\left(\boldsymbol{I} -
\boldsymbol{\overline{A}} \right)^{-1} \boldsymbol{\overline{B}}
\frac{2\Delta}{1+z} \boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}} \left[ {2
\frac{1-z}{1+z}} - \Delta \boldsymbol{A} \right]^{-1} \boldsymbol{B}
Now imagine \boldsymbol{A}=\boldsymbol{\Lambda} for a
diagonal \boldsymbol{\Lambda} .
Substituting in the discretization formula the authors show that the
generating function can be written in the following manner:
\boldsymbol{\hat{K}}_{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}(z) & = c(z) \sum_i \cdot
\frac{\boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}}_i \boldsymbol{B}_i} {(g(z) -
\boldsymbol{\Lambda}_i)} = c(z) \cdot k_{z,
\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}(\boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}}, \boldsymbol{B}) \\
\end{aligned} where c is a
constant, and g is a function of z .
We have effectively replaced an inverse with a weighted dot product.
Let’s make a small helper function to compute this weight dot product
for use.
def cauchy_dot(v, omega, lambd):
return (v / (omega - lambd)).sum()
While not important for our implementation, it is worth noting that
this is a Cauchy
kernel and is the subject of many other fast
implementations .
Step 3: Diagonal Plus
The final step is to relax the diagonal assumption. In addition to
the diagonal term we allow a low-rank component with \boldsymbol{P}, \boldsymbol{Q} \in
\mathbb{C}^{N\times 1} such that:
\boldsymbol{A} = \boldsymbol{\Lambda} - \boldsymbol{P} \boldsymbol{Q}^*
The Woodbury
identity tells us that the inverse of a diagonal plus rank-1 term is
equal to the inverse of the diagonal plus a rank-1 term. We write it out
here adding the low-rank term.
(\boldsymbol{\Lambda} + \boldsymbol{P} \boldsymbol{Q}^*)^{-1} &=
\boldsymbol{\Lambda}^{-1} - \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^{-1} \boldsymbol{P} (1
+ \boldsymbol{Q}^* \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^{-1} \boldsymbol{P})^{-1}
\boldsymbol{Q}^* \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^{-1}
There is a bunch of algebra in the appendix. It mostly consists of
substituting this component in for A, applying the Woodbury identity and
distributing terms. We end up with 4 terms that all look like Step 2
\boldsymbol{\hat{K}}_{DPLR}(z) & = c(z) [k_{z,
\Lambda}(\boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}}, \boldsymbol{\boldsymbol{B}}) -
k_{z, \Lambda}(\boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}}, \boldsymbol{\boldsymbol{P}})
(1 + k_{z, \Lambda}(\boldsymbol{q^*}, \boldsymbol{\boldsymbol{P}})
)^{-1} k_{z, \Lambda}(\boldsymbol{q^*}, \boldsymbol{\boldsymbol{B}}) ]
The code consists of collecting up the terms and applying 4 weighted
dot products,
def K_gen_DPLR(Lambda, P, Q, B, C, step, unmat=False):
aterm = (C.conj(), Q.conj())
bterm = (B, P)
def gen(o):
g = (2.0 / step) * ((1.0 - o) / (1.0 + o))
c = 2.0 / (1.0 + o)
def k(a):
# Checkpoint this calculation for memory efficiency.
if unmat:
return jax.remat(cauchy_dot)(a, g, Lambda)
return cauchy_dot(a, g, Lambda)
k00 = k(aterm[0] * bterm[0])
k01 = k(aterm[0] * bterm[1])
k10 = k(aterm[1] * bterm[0])
k11 = k(aterm[1] * bterm[1])
return c * (k00 - k01 * (1.0 / (1.0 + k11)) * k10)
return gen
This is our final version of the K
function. Because conv_from_gen
is always called together
with a generating function (e.g. K_gen_DPLR
), we’ll fuse
them into define a dedicated function to compute the DPLR SSM kernel
from all of its parameters. (With fewer layers of indirection, this
could also make it easier for XLA compiler to optimize.)
def cauchy(v, omega, lambd):
"""Cauchy matrix multiplication: (n), (l), (n) -> (l)"""
cauchy_dot = lambda _omega: (v / (_omega - lambd)).sum()
return jax.vmap(cauchy_dot)(omega)
def kernel_DPLR(Lambda, P, Q, B, C, step, L):
# Evaluate at roots of unity
# Generating function is (-)z-transform, so we evaluate at (-)root
Omega_L = np.exp((-2j * np.pi) * (np.arange(L) / L))
aterm = (C.conj(), Q.conj())
bterm = (B, P)
g = (2.0 / step) * ((1.0 - Omega_L) / (1.0 + Omega_L))
c = 2.0 / (1.0 + Omega_L)
# Reduction to core Cauchy kernel
k00 = cauchy(aterm[0] * bterm[0], g, Lambda)
k01 = cauchy(aterm[0] * bterm[1], g, Lambda)
k10 = cauchy(aterm[1] * bterm[0], g, Lambda)
k11 = cauchy(aterm[1] * bterm[1], g, Lambda)
atRoots = c * (k00 - k01 * (1.0 / (1.0 + k11)) * k10)
out = np.fft.ifft(atRoots, L).reshape(L)
return out.real
Now we can check whether it worked. First, let’s generate a random
Diagonal Plus Low Rank (DPLR) matrix,
def random_DPLR(rng, N):
l_r, p_r, q_r, b_r, c_r = jax.random.split(rng, 5)
Lambda = jax.random.uniform(l_r, (N,))
P = jax.random.uniform(p_r, (N,))
Q = jax.random.uniform(q_r, (N,))
B = jax.random.uniform(b_r, (N, 1))
C = jax.random.uniform(c_r, (1, N))
return Lambda, P, Q, B, C
We can check that the DPLR method yields the same filter as computing
\boldsymbol{A} directly,
def test_gen_dplr(L=16, N=4):
I = np.eye(4)
# Create a DPLR A matrix and discretize
Lambda, P, B, _ = make_DPLR_HiPPO(N)
A = np.diag(Lambda) - P[:, np.newaxis] @ P[:, np.newaxis].conj().T
_, _, C = random_SSM(rng, N)
Ab, Bb, Cb = discretize(A, B, C, 1.0 / L)
a = K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb.conj(), L=L)
# Compare to the DPLR generating function approach.
C = (I - matrix_power(Ab, L)).conj().T @ Cb.ravel()
b = kernel_DPLR(Lambda, P, P, B, C, step=1.0 / L, L=L)
assert np.allclose(a.real, b.real)
Diagonal Plus Low-Rank RNN.
A secondary benefit of the DPLR factorization is that it allows us to
compute the discretized form of the SSM without having to invert the
A matrix directly. Here we return to
the paper for the derivation.
Recall that discretization computes,
\bm{\overline{A}} &= (\bm{I} - \Delta/2 \cdot \bm{A})^{-1}(\bm{I} +
\Delta/2 \cdot \bm{A}) \\
\bm{\overline{B}} &= (\bm{I} - \Delta/2 \cdot \bm{A})^{-1} \Delta
We simplify both terms in the definition of \bm{\overline{A}} independently. The first
term is:
\bm{I} + \frac{\Delta}{2} \bm{A}
&= \bm{I} + \frac{\Delta}{2} (\bm{\Lambda} - \bm{P} \bm{Q}^*)
\\&= \frac{\Delta}{2} \left[ \frac{2}{\Delta}\bm{I} + (\bm{\Lambda}
- \bm{P} \bm{Q}^*) \right]
\\&= \frac{\Delta}{2} \bm{A_0}
where \bm{A_0} is defined as
the term in the final brackets.
The second term is known as the Backward Euler’s method. Although
this inverse term is normally difficult to deal with, in the DPLR case
we can simplify it using Woodbury’s Identity as described above.
\left( \bm{I} - \frac{\Delta}{2} \bm{A} \right)^{-1}
\left( \bm{I} - \frac{\Delta}{2} (\bm{\Lambda} - \bm{P} \bm{Q}^*)
\frac{2}{\Delta} \left[ \frac{2}{\Delta} - \bm{\Lambda} + \bm{P}
\bm{Q}^* \right]^{-1}
\frac{2}{\Delta} \left[ \bm{D} - \bm{D} \bm{P} \left( 1 + \bm{Q}^*
\bm{D} \bm{P} \right)^{-1} \bm{Q}^* \bm{D} \right]
\\&= \frac{2}{\Delta} \bm{A_1}
where \bm{D} = \left(
\frac{2}{\Delta}-\bm{\Lambda} \right)^{-1} and \bm{A_1} is defined as the term in the final
The discrete-time SSM becomes
x_{k} &= \bm{\overline{A}} x_{k-1} + \bm{\overline{B}} u_k \\
&= \bm{A_1} \bm{A_0} x_{k-1} + 2 \bm{A_1} \bm{B} u_k \\
y_k &= \bm{C} x_k
def discrete_DPLR(Lambda, P, Q, B, C, step, L):
# Convert parameters to matrices
B = B[:, np.newaxis]
Ct = C[np.newaxis, :]
N = Lambda.shape[0]
A = np.diag(Lambda) - P[:, np.newaxis] @ Q[:, np.newaxis].conj().T
I = np.eye(N)
# Forward Euler
A0 = (2.0 / step) * I + A
# Backward Euler
D = np.diag(1.0 / ((2.0 / step) - Lambda))
Qc = Q.conj().T.reshape(1, -1)
P2 = P.reshape(-1, 1)
A1 = D - (D @ P2 * (1.0 / (1 + (Qc @ D @ P2))) * Qc @ D)
# A bar and B bar
Ab = A1 @ A0
Bb = 2 * A1 @ B
# Recover Cbar from Ct
Cb = Ct @ inv(I - matrix_power(Ab, L)).conj()
return Ab, Bb, Cb.conj()
Turning HiPPO to DPLR
This approach applies to DPLR matrices, but remember we would like it
to also apply to the HiPPO matrix. While not DPLR in its current form,
the HiPPO matrix does have special structure . It is Normal Plus
Low-Rank (NPLR). Because normal matrices
are exactly the class of matrices that are unitarily diagonalizable,
NPLR matrices are essentially equivalent to DPLR matrices from the
perspective of SSM models. this is just as good as DPLR for the purposes
of learning an SSM network.
The S4 techniques can apply to any matrix \boldsymbol{A} that can be decomposed as
Normal Plus Low-Rank (NPLR) .
\boldsymbol{A} = \boldsymbol{V} \boldsymbol{\Lambda} \boldsymbol{V}^*
- \boldsymbol{P} \boldsymbol{Q}^\top = \boldsymbol{V} \left(
\boldsymbol{\Lambda} - \boldsymbol{V}^* \boldsymbol{P}
(\boldsymbol{V}^*\boldsymbol{Q})^* \right) \boldsymbol{V}^*
for unitary \boldsymbol{V} \in \mathbb{C}^{N \times N} ,
diagonal \boldsymbol{\Lambda} , and
low-rank factorization \boldsymbol{P},
\boldsymbol{Q} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times r} . An NPLR SSM is
therefore unitarily equivalent to some DPLR matrix.
For S4, we need to work with a HiPPO matrix for \boldsymbol{A} . This requires first writing
it as a normal plus low-rank term, and then diagonalizing to extract
\boldsymbol{\Lambda} from this
decomposition. The appendix of the paper shows how by writing the normal
part as a skew-symmetric
(plus a constant times the identity matrix), which are a special class
of normal matrices.
An additional simplification is that there is actually a
representation that ties the low-rank components terms \boldsymbol{P} = \boldsymbol{Q} , which was
shown in follow-up work
to be important for stability.
def make_NPLR_HiPPO(N):
# Make -HiPPO
nhippo = make_HiPPO(N)
# Add in a rank 1 term. Makes it Normal.
P = np.sqrt(np.arange(N) + 0.5)
# HiPPO also specifies the B matrix
B = np.sqrt(2 * np.arange(N) + 1.0)
return nhippo, P, B
After extracting the normal part, we can diagonalize to get out the
DPLR terms. Because the normal part is actually skew-symmetric, we can
extract the real and complex parts of \boldsymbol{\Lambda} separately. This serves
two purposes. First, this gives us finer-grained control over the real
and imaginary parts, which can be used to improve stability. Second,
this lets us use more powerful diagonalization algorithms for Hermitian
matrices - in fact, the current version of JAX does not support GPU
diagonalization for non-Hermitian matrices!
def make_DPLR_HiPPO(N):
"""Diagonalize NPLR representation"""
A, P, B = make_NPLR_HiPPO(N)
S = A + P[:, np.newaxis] * P[np.newaxis, :]
# Check skew symmetry
S_diag = np.diagonal(S)
Lambda_real = np.mean(S_diag) * np.ones_like(S_diag)
# assert np.allclose(Lambda_real, S_diag, atol=1e-3)
# Diagonalize S to V \Lambda V^*
Lambda_imag, V = eigh(S * -1j)
P = V.conj().T @ P
B = V.conj().T @ B
return Lambda_real + 1j * Lambda_imag, P, B, V
Sanity check just to make sure those identities hold,
def test_nplr(N=8):
A2, P, B = make_NPLR_HiPPO(N)
Lambda, Pc, Bc, V = make_DPLR_HiPPO(N)
Vc = V.conj().T
P = P[:, np.newaxis]
Pc = Pc[:, np.newaxis]
Lambda = np.diag(Lambda)
A3 = V @ Lambda @ Vc - (P @ P.T) # Test NPLR
A4 = V @ (Lambda - Pc @ Pc.conj().T) @ Vc # Test DPLR
assert np.allclose(A2, A3, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
assert np.allclose(A2, A4, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
Final Check
This tests that everything works as planned.
def test_conversion(N=8, L=16):
step = 1.0 / L
# Compute a HiPPO NPLR matrix.
Lambda, P, B, _ = make_DPLR_HiPPO(N)
# Random complex Ct
C = normal(dtype=np.complex64)(rng, (N,))
# CNN form.
K = kernel_DPLR(Lambda, P, P, B, C, step, L)
# RNN form.
Ab, Bb, Cb = discrete_DPLR(Lambda, P, P, B, C, step, L)
K2 = K_conv(Ab, Bb, Cb, L=L)
assert np.allclose(K.real, K2.real, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
# Apply CNN
u = np.arange(L) * 1.0
y1 = causal_convolution(u, K.real)
# Apply RNN
_, y2 = scan_SSM(
Ab, Bb, Cb, u[:, np.newaxis], np.zeros((N,)).astype(np.complex64)
assert np.allclose(y1, y2.reshape(-1).real, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
Part 3: S4 in Practice
That was a lot of work, but now the actual model is concise. In fact
we are only using four functions:
→ Truncated generating function when \boldsymbol{A} is DPLR (S4-part)
→ Convert generating function to
→ Run convolution
→ Convert SSM to discrete form for
S4 CNN / RNN Layer
A full S4 Layer is very similar to the simple SSM layer above. The
only difference is in the the computation of \boldsymbol{K} . Additionally instead of
learning \boldsymbol{C} , we learn \boldsymbol{\widetilde{C}} so we avoid
computing powers of \boldsymbol{A} .
Note as well that in the original paper \boldsymbol{\Lambda}, \boldsymbol{P},
\boldsymbol{Q} are also learned. However, in this post, we leave
them fixed for simplicity.
class S4Layer(nn.Module):
N: int
l_max: int
decode: bool = False
# Special parameters with multiplicative factor on lr and no weight decay (handled by main train script)
lr = {
"Lambda_re": 0.1,
"Lambda_im": 0.1,
"P": 0.1,
"B": 0.1,
"log_step": 0.1,
def setup(self):
# Learned Parameters (C is complex!)
init_A_re, init_A_im, init_P, init_B = hippo_initializer(self.N)
self.Lambda_re = self.param("Lambda_re", init_A_re, (self.N,))
self.Lambda_im = self.param("Lambda_im", init_A_im, (self.N,))
# Ensure the real part of Lambda is negative
# (described in the SaShiMi follow-up to S4)
self.Lambda = np.clip(self.Lambda_re, None, -1e-4) + 1j * self.Lambda_im
self.P = self.param("P", init_P, (self.N,))
self.B = self.param("B", init_B, (self.N,))
# C should be init as standard normal
# This doesn't work due to how JAX handles complex optimizers
# self.C = self.param("C", normal(stddev=1.0, dtype=np.complex64), (self.N,))
self.C = self.param("C", normal(stddev=0.5**0.5), (self.N, 2))
self.C = self.C[..., 0] + 1j * self.C[..., 1]
self.D = self.param("D", nn.initializers.ones, (1,))
self.step = np.exp(self.param("log_step", log_step_initializer(), (1,)))
if not self.decode:
# CNN mode, compute kernel.
self.K = kernel_DPLR(
# RNN mode, discretize
# Flax trick to cache discrete form during decoding.
def init_discrete():
return discrete_DPLR(
ssm_var = self.variable("prime", "ssm", init_discrete)
if self.is_mutable_collection("prime"):
ssm_var.value = init_discrete()
self.ssm = ssm_var.value
# RNN Cache
self.x_k_1 = self.variable(
"cache", "cache_x_k", np.zeros, (self.N,), np.complex64
def __call__(self, u):
# This is identical to SSM Layer
if not self.decode:
# CNN Mode
return causal_convolution(u, self.K) + self.D * u
# RNN Mode
x_k, y_s = scan_SSM(*self.ssm, u[:, np.newaxis], self.x_k_1.value)
if self.is_mutable_collection("cache"):
self.x_k_1.value = x_k
return y_s.reshape(-1).real + self.D * u
S4Layer = cloneLayer(S4Layer)
We initialize the model by computing a HiPPO DPLR initializer
# Factory for constant initializer in Flax
def init(x):
def _init(key, shape):
assert shape == x.shape
return x
return _init
def hippo_initializer(N):
Lambda, P, B, _ = make_DPLR_HiPPO(N)
return init(Lambda.real), init(Lambda.imag), init(P), init(B)
Sampling and Caching
We can sample from the model using the RNN implementation. Here is
what the sampling code looks like. Note that we keep a running cache to
remember the RNN state.
def sample(model, params, prime, cache, x, start, end, rng):
def loop(i, cur):
x, rng, cache = cur
r, rng = jax.random.split(rng)
out, vars = model.apply(
{"params": params, "prime": prime, "cache": cache},
x[:, np.arange(1, 2) * i],
def update(x, out):
p = jax.random.categorical(r, out[0])
x =[i + 1, 0].set(p)
return x
x = jax.vmap(update)(x, out)
return x, rng, vars["cache"].unfreeze()
return jax.lax.fori_loop(start, end, jax.jit(loop), (x, rng, cache))[0]
To get this in a good form, we first precompute the discretized
version of the the RNN for each S4 layers. We do this through the
“prime” collection of variables.
def init_recurrence(model, params, init_x, rng):
variables = model.init(rng, init_x)
vars = {
"params": params,
"cache": variables["cache"].unfreeze(),
"prime": variables["prime"].unfreeze(),
print("[*] Priming")
_, prime_vars = model.apply(vars, init_x, mutable=["prime"])
return vars["params"], prime_vars["prime"], vars["cache"]
Putting this altogether we can sample from a model directly.
def sample_checkpoint(path, model, length, rng):
from import checkpoints
start = np.zeros((1, length, 1), dtype=int)
print("[*] Initializing from checkpoint %s" % path)
state = checkpoints.restore_checkpoint(path, None)
assert "params" in state
params, prime, cache = init_recurrence(model, state["params"], start, rng)
print("[*] Sampling output")
return sample(model, params, prime, cache, start, 0, length - 1, rng)
Experiments: MNIST
Now that we have the model, we can try it out on some MNIST
experiments. For these experiments we linearize MNIST and just treat
each image as a sequence of pixels.
The first experiments we ran were on MNIST classification. While not
in theory a hard problem, treating MNIST as a linear sequence
classification task is a bit strange. However in practice, the model
with H=256 and four layers seems to get
up near 99% right away.
A more visually interesting task is generating MNIST digits, by
predicting entire sequences of pixels! Here, we simply feed in a
sequence of pixels into the model and have it predict the next one like
language modeling. With a little tweaking, we are able to get the model
to an NLL of 0.36 on this task with size 512 and 6 layers (~4m
The metric usually used for this task is bits
per dimension which is NLL in base 2 for MNIST. A loss of 0.36
is ~0.52 BPD which is SOTA according to PapersWithCode.
We can also do prefix-samples – given the first 300 pixels, try to
complete the image. S4 is on the left, true on the right.
def sample_image_prefix(
# length,
# bsz=32,
imshape=(28, 28),
"""Sample a grayscale image represented as intensities in [0, 255]"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as onp
# from .data import Datasets
# BATCH = bsz
# start = np.zeros((BATCH, length), dtype=int)
# start = np.zeros((BATCH, length, 1), dtype=int)
start = np.array(next(iter(dataloader))[0].numpy())
start = np.zeros_like(start)
# params, prime, cache = init_recurrence(model, params, start[:, :-1], rng)
params, prime, cache = init_recurrence(model, params, start, rng)
BATCH = start.shape[0]
START = prefix
LENGTH = start.shape[1]
assert LENGTH ==
# _, dataloader, _, _, _ = Datasets["mnist"](bsz=BATCH)
it = iter(dataloader)
for j, im in enumerate(it):
if n_batches is not None and j >= n_batches:
image = im[0].numpy()
image = np.pad(
image[:, :-1, :], [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 0)], constant_values=0
cur = onp.array(image)
# cur[:, START + 1 :, 0] = 0
# cur = np.pad(cur[:, :-1, 0], [(0, 0), (1, 0)], constant_values=256)
cur = np.array(cur[:, :])
# Cache the first `start` inputs.
out, vars = model.apply(
{"params": params, "prime": prime, "cache": cache},
cur[:, np.arange(0, START)],
cache = vars["cache"].unfreeze()
out = sample(model, params, prime, cache, cur, START, LENGTH - 1, rng)
# Visualization
out = out.reshape(BATCH, *imshape)
final = onp.zeros((BATCH, *imshape, 3))
final2 = onp.zeros((BATCH, *imshape, 3))
final[:, :, :, 0] = out
f = final.reshape(BATCH, LENGTH, 3)
i = image.reshape(BATCH, LENGTH)
f[:, :START, 1] = i[:, :START]
f[:, :START, 2] = i[:, :START]
f = final2.reshape(BATCH, LENGTH, 3)
f[:, :, 1] = i
f[:, :START, 0] = i[:, :START]
f[:, :START, 2] = i[:, :START]
if save:
for k in range(BATCH):
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
ax1.imshow(final[k] / 256.0)
ax2.imshow(final2[k] / 256.0)
fig.savefig("im%d.%d.png" % (j, k))
print(f"Sampled batch {j} image {k}")
return final, final2
Experiments: QuickDraw
Next we tried training a model to generate drawings. For this we used
the QuickDraw
dataset . The dataset includes a version of the dataset downsampled
to MNIST size so we can use roughly the same model as above. The dataset
is much larger though (5M images) and more complex. We only trained for
1 epoch with a H=256 , 4 layer model.
Still, the approach was able to generate relatively coherent
completions. These are prefix samples with 500 pixels given.
Experiments: Spoken Digits
Finally we played with modeling sound waves directly. For these, we
use the Free
Spoken Digits Datasets an MNIST like dataset of various speakers
reading off digits. We first trained a classification model and found
that the approach was able to reach 97\% accuracy just from the raw soundwave.
Next we trained a generation model to produce the sound wave directly.
With H=512 the model seems to pick up
the data relatively well. This dataset only has around 3000 examples,
but the model can produce reasonably good (cherry-picked) continuations.
Note these sequences are 6400 steps long at an 8kHz sampling rate,
discretized to 256 classes with Mu Law
Encoding .
Our full code
base contains more examples and infrastructure for training models
for generations and classification.
Putting together this post inspired lots of thoughts about future
work in this area. One obvious conclusion is that long-range models have
all sorts of future applications from acoustic modeling to genomic
sequences to trajectories (not to mention our shared area of NLP).
Another is some surprise that linear models can be so effective here,
while also opening up a range of efficient techniques. Finally from a
practical level, the transformations in JAX make it really nice to
implement complex models like this in a very concise way (~200 LoC),
with similar efficiency and performance!
We end by thanking the authors Albert Gu and Karan Goel , who were super
helpful in putting this together, and pointing you again to their paper and codebase . Thanks
to Ankit Gupta, Ekin Akyürek, Qinsheng Zhang, Nathan Yan, and Junxiong
Wang for contributions. We’re also grateful for Conner Vercellino and
Laurel Orr for providing helpful feedback on this post.
/ Cheers – Sasha & Sidd
Major editing pass from Albert.
Fix bug in HiPPO calculation.
Added training of all S4 parameters.
Fix learning rate / initialization issues.
Added RNN decoding
Added Speech examples
v1 - Original version